Contemplating Church Part 1
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Contemplating Church Part 1

As we start a new academic year, Dave talks about how we understand, explain and communicate our priorities and purpose.

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The Hidden Treasure (Mind Blowing Parables 1)
Dave Vinall Dave Vinall

The Hidden Treasure (Mind Blowing Parables 1)

We’re looking at some of Jesus's parables, especially ones that seem somewhat shocking. In this talk Dave looks at the Parable of the Hidden Treasure - and the ethical ambiguity of our common reading.

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The Romans Course: 2. Sin
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

The Romans Course: 2. Sin

We are studying the book of Romans, following the resource The Romans Course from the Bible Society. Today Dave looks at the first three chapters of Romans to think about the problem of a universe broken by sin.

Odd numbered sessions are being done in Hubs and you can watch the relevant videos yourself on the Bible Society’s website if you register for the course and check out their Small Group Resources.

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Part 5: Neighbourhood
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 5: Neighbourhood

During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. In this session Adam and Hannah talk about how God places us in our neighbourhoods to make a difference.

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Part 4: Family
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 4: Family

During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. Today Ruth talks about how God is working in our families - whether ones we are born into or ones we create ourselves.

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Part 3: Friends
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 3: Friends

During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. Today Dave thinks about friendship. How are we prioritising friendship and how can our friendships make a kingdom difference in the world?

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Part 2: Interests
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 2: Interests

During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. Today Joe and Jenny talk about our interests and discovering and serving God through these.

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Part 1: Work
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 1: Work

During Lent we are thinking about the difference Easter makes in every aspect of our lives. Today Dave thinks about work. Is God interested in our work and, if so, in what way? How do we involve God in our work and how is it part of living out redeemed humanity?

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A New Name - The Dugmore Family
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

A New Name - The Dugmore Family

We are joined this morning by the Dugmore family who live and work with YWAM in southern Africa. We hear some stories and the difference this makes for all of us.

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Part 2: Temptation’s Pull
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 2: Temptation’s Pull

In the final of our two-part series on the Baptism and Temptation of Jesus, Dave explores the temptations that Jesus experienced, and just a few of the lessons we can learn from this.

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Part 1: Identity
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

Part 1: Identity

We are taking two weeks looking at the baptism and temptation of Jesus in Matthew chapters 3 and 4. Today Dave talks about how the blessing and the battle is over our identity and how we understand who we really are.

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Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn


Our last session in January, as we think about what God might want to do in the year ahead. Today we are thinking about Hubs and what God might be asking us to do in these small and unique expressions of church.

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The Church As An Orchard
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

The Church As An Orchard

Sometimes we don't really think about the reason for church; it's just that thing we do, that we've always done and that we're supposed to do. In this talk Dave thinks about how we can engage with what God is doing through church and introduces a simple reflective exercise for us to prayerfully consider.

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The Church in 2024
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

The Church in 2024

We are spending January thinking about the New Year. In this video Dave thinks about the purpose of church in our lives.

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An ‘Ordinary’ Christmas
Jacob Blackburn Jacob Blackburn

An ‘Ordinary’ Christmas

Christmas is a busy and unique time, but also full of ordinary moments. God, who is involved in those special and unique times, is also very present in the ordinary ones. Dave suggests we look for him when we find those times.

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